Sunday, November 21, 2010

Decorating Bunkhouses for VBS !

These are some pictures from the Kindergarten classrooms. Everyone says they will be doing something simple but folks, when all that simple decoration is put together, my, my ..... it looks so nice. Bravo !

Just like in Genesis, we must be feeling a little of what God must have felt. "And God saw it was good"

Yeehaw, pardners ! This sure is wonderful. Thank you for yer partnership in VBS.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy folks,

    As VBS commences, I had time to walk around and see the beautiful decorations of the stables, bunkhouses and just about all around the Ranch.

    Ranch Hands are to be applauded for their hard work.

    Please see the photos.

    Poh Gek
